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Atlatszo launches data visualization project Atlo
Atlatszo launched its data visualization site, Atlo, which is a platform where we are going to publish content that is not necessarily connected to our anti-corruption, investigative work. We have already published a few examples of these, for example, our project on the history of cemeteries in Budapest. The data visualization exploring the growth of Hungarian cities and towns also belongs here. The latter two were projects of Atlo already, and today we officially launch!
Building Atlo has long been planned by Atlatszo, and we are very happy to present it to our readers today. It was made possible with the help of our audience because it is partly financed by the money they sent us by directing 1 percent of their income taxes to Atlatszo. Atlo will be producing data-heavy visualizations under its own brand. Here is the website:
Az ATLO adatalapú vizuális médiatartalmak kitalálásával és elkészítésével foglalkozó csapat. Munkánk során egyszerű és összetett adatvizualizációkat, térképeket és információgrafikákat készítünk. Célunk, hogy érdekes, izgalmas és fontos témákat dolgozzunk fel az adatgrafika módszerével. Az ATLO munkacsoportot az Átlátszó oknyomozó központ finanszírozza. Ha van egy jó ötleted, keress bennünket bátran és dolgozzunk együtt.
By launching Atlo we have entered a new phase in a process that started two years ago. Atlatszo has already had a dataviz blog and published several data visualizations that helped readers understand its data-heavy investigative stories.
We decided to take this project to a new level and start something that we had been dreaming of for a long time.
Atlo’s goal is to produce content that is not strictly investigative but educational and cover topics such as culture and history. This will help us reach audiences that we have not been able to reach before.
Atlo’s project leader is Attila Bátorfy. Our art director and graphic designer is Bence Mikola who was creating data visualization projects for daily newspapers Népszabadság, then Magyar Nemzet before. He has won several international data visualization awards.
Atlo’s coder and developer is László Horváth whom we recruited after we have been following his work on Tumblr for a while. Our team also includes Blanka Kovács, Márk Tremmel and Orsi Putz who are building and organizing databases, create visualizations, write stories and shoot videos.
Atlo has been formed for a one-year period; our goal is to produce content that will be on par with international data visualizations and which can generate income to sustain the team beyond the initial one-year period.
We welcome comments and ideas at [email protected]. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr as well and you can see our first projects here:
A holtakra épített város
Budavár 1541-es elfoglalása után néhány kivételtől eltekintve a budai és pesti keresztény templomokat muzulmán mecsetté alakították át, a temetések pedig nem csupán a templomokban és azok környékén, hanem az akkori városfalakon belül is többnyire megszűntek. A budai oldalon közvetlenül a Bécsi (vagy Zsidó) kapunál a mai Hunfalvy utcánál kimutatható egy török-zsidó temető megléte.
Növekvő városok
Nézd végig, hogyan nőttek a magyar megyeszékhelyek 250 év alatt!
A holtakra épített város 3D Map (részlet) / The City Built on Dead 3D Map from Atlo Team on Vimeo.
Written by Attila Bátorfy
English version by Anita Kőműves. You can read the original, Hungarian language story here.