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Hungarian parliamentary election 2022 – Maps and charts about the candidates and earlier results
There are less than 2 months until the Hungarian parliamentary elections. Are you curious who is the candidate of the opposition coalition in your electoral district? Or whether the party of the porn tycoon György Gattyán will be running a candidate there? What are the chances of the Two Tailed Dog Party? We’ve created an electoral map to answer all your questions, and we also indicated the results of the parliamentary elections held 4 years ago.
The Hungarian general election will be held on April 3, 2022, the incumbent Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his party (Fidesz-KDNP) is expected to face a six-party opposition coalition ((DK, Jobbik, LMP, MSZP, Párbeszéd) that has selected conservative politician Péter Márki-Zay as its joint candidate for prime minister during the opposition primaries held in 2021.

Hungarian opposition primary: Maps and charts about the final results
The Hungarian opposition primaries ended last Saturday and the counting of the votes began on Sunday morning. In order to show the results, data journalism section of Atlatszo, Atlo launched a subpage dedicated to the first and then the second round of the primary election.
The opposition coalition called Egységben Magyarországért has also agreed to coordinate a single joint candidate to oppose Fidesz in each of the 106 electoral districts, and to run on a single electoral list.
This means that for the first time since 2010, Orban and his ruling Fidesz party will face a united front of opposition parties in the elections. Opinion polls predict a close race.
Last summer, Átlátszó started to analyse and present the facts, events and processes related to the 2022 elections. First we mapped the data of the primaries, then we followed the stages of preparation. We were the first to categorise each constituency in terms of its chances based on past results.
We concluded that, unless the balance of power has changed radically, the results of 26 districts will determine the outcome of the ’22 election. However, we also found that the number of swing districts declined between 2014 and ’18, with a significant shift in favour of Fidesz. The question is whether this tendency has continued after 2018, or whether the political situation has been roughly balanced in terms of opposition-government party strength of the previous election.
This time we have prepared our election map, where you can browse through the candidates announced so far.
The electoral map is also based on our analysis of individual electoral districts. The map immediately shows which districts seems like an easy win for the opposition and for Fidesz, and we have marked the swing districts in purple. It is important to note that we have added Hódmezővásárhely to the 26, previously mentioned constituency, because although Fidesz’s victory there seems theoretically certain, the opposition’s candidate for prime minister is running in the district, so the Márki-Zay-Lázár clash could even cause a surprise.
Moving the cursor over the map will bring up the candidates of the district, and clicking on the district will bring up a list of candidates, the constituency number and seat on the left, and a button above it that will turn to a panel with more detailed information. The header of the panel is coloured according to the nature of the district, and indicates the lead of the six-party coalition or Fidesz over the other party in the last election. We have also placed several filters on the map, their functions are shown by the information button in the top right corner.
In addition to the governing party and the six-party opposition coalition, other smaller parties and even independent candidates have decided to enter the race: for example the radical right-wing Mi Hazánk, the joke party called Hungarian Two-tailed Dog Party, or the libertarian Down with 75% of Taxes Party (LA75) led by Áron Ecsenyi which – according to a draft contract obtained by Atlatszo – has decided to pay a bounty and a target bonus to their candidates.
Political party recruits candidates to run for a seat in Parliament for a hefty payment
A new political party in Hungary has decided to pay a bounty and a target bonus to their candidates, according to a draft contract obtained by Atlatszo. With state campaign subsidies, this odd practice could be rewarding: if a party runs 106 candidates, the net profit after paying candidates and other costs could be over half a billion forints for 2 months of campaigning.
Igen Szolidaritás Magyarországért Mozgalom and the Hungarian Workers’ Party (Magyar Munkáspárt), will run together as a party alliance in the 2022 parliamentary elections under the name Left Alliance (Baloldali Szövetség). It is also worth mentioning the covid-sceptical movement of pharmacist György Gődény (Normális Élet Pártja) who ran four years ago as the leader of another, suspiciously fake party – “fake-parties” are political parties set up to cash in on state support for running in elections, and the party of the billionaire businessman György Gattyán (Megoldás Mozgalom). We’ve traced the business network behind him, and found out that the new party’s vice-president has several business ties to a wealthy Russian family, the Rahimkulovs.
Vice-president of a Hungarian porn tycoon’s new political party does business with a wealthy Russian family in Budapest
A new political party was recently founded by billionaire businessman György Gattyán, and his business partner, Viktor Huszár, who has been appointed as vice-president.
For the full screen and mobile optimised version, visit the subpage of our data team, Atlo, dedicated to the April 3 elections:
Átlátszó választás ’22 – 2022-es országgyűlési választás diagramokon és térképeken |
The panels will be expanded in the future, and the map will be updated regularly, as new candidates are announced. For now, we have added the candidates’ Facebook profiles alongside their details, and you can find the results of the previous election below the list.
Translated by Zita Szopkó. The original Hungarian version of this article can be found here.
Hungary. What do you know about Hungary? from on Vimeo.